Ett svenskt cannabisforum Forums Coffeeshopen Nyheter UK: Cannabis’ impact on West Midlands

  • UK: Cannabis’ impact on West Midlands

    Posted by mellow on 2006-02-15 at 12:24

    saxat utdrag

    Once the region’s drug users would have to travel into Birmingham to buy their supplies.

    Now the networks of dealers appear to stretch into every town and village.

    Officially, the number of people who admit to having used illegal drugs in the West Midlands region is 350,000.

    Ten per cent of 16 to 59 year olds say they have taken illicit drugs while 15,000 are so addicted that it is causing them and society problems.

    Nationally, more than 3.5m people are thought to be regular users of cannabis.


    replied 18 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • reaper

    2006-02-15 at 16:41
    mellow wrote:

    saxat utdrag

    Once the region’s drug users would have to travel into Birmingham to buy their supplies.

    Now the networks of dealers appear to stretch into every town and village.

    Det är ju bra ur ett miljöperspektiv med färre resor.

    Increasingly, cannabis is losing its image as a carefree soft drug, and young people on the streets of Birmingham report dealers sometimes lacing cannabis with crack cocaine to lure teenagers onto harder addictive drugs.

    Känns som om jag har hört den skrönan förut, har brittiska propagandaministeriet importerat den svenska modellen?

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