• Odla lakritsplanta ?

    Posted by nightfrost on 2008-06-24 at 23:33

    Är det någon på forumet som har testat eller vet något om lakritsplantodlig ?

    kanske hur man får frön eller om det är sticklingar ?



    replied 15 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • radix

    2008-06-25 at 16:51

    Lakritsrot (Glycyrrhiza glabra) menar du va?

    Jag skulle gissa att iom att den har så robusta rötter är den säkert lätt förökad genom rotdelning. Odlas som ärter ungefär, dvs regelbunden vattning och mycket solsken annars lär det bli små och få rötter.
    Frön kan ju köpas över nätet om du inte känner nån som har.

  • nightfrost

    2008-06-25 at 22:26

    japp stämmer precis exakt den jag menade.
    har försökt hitta fröer eller liknande så man kan förssöka starta en odlig men har inte lyckats tyvärr.
    någon som kasnke har ett tipps eller redan testat denna planta som kan skicka mig vidare till någon sida. För antingen fröer eller “sticklingar”



    **Edit*** hittade på impecta nu :D tackar för hjälpen här skall det dras upp en liten odling :D

  • sinsemillan

    2008-07-03 at 22:29

    Lakritsrot… låter spännande hittade lite info, verkar dock som man skördar först efter 3-4 år:)

    Cultivation details

    Requires a deep well cultivated fertile moisture-retentive soil for good root production[200]. Prefers a sandy soil with abundant moisture and does not flourish in clay[4]. Slightly alkaline conditions produce the best plants[238]. The plant thrives in a maritime climate[7]. Plants are hardy to about -15°c[200]. Liquorice is often cultivated for its edible root which is widely used in medicine and as a flavouring. There are some named varieties[183]. The ssp. glandulifera grows in Russia and produces adventitious roots up to 10 cm thick[142]. Yields of 10 – 12 tonnes per hectare were considered good in the early 20th century, this only being attained in the fourth year of growth[4]. Unless seed is required, the plant is usually prevented from flowering so that it puts more energy into producing good quality roots[238]. The bruised root has a characteristic sweet pungent smell[245]. Plants are slow to settle in and do not produce much growth in their first two years after being moved[4]. The young growth is also very susceptible to damage by slugs and so the plant will require some protection for its first few years[K]. A fairly deep-rooting plant, the roots are up to 120cm long[4]. It can be difficult to eradicate once it is established[238]. This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria, these bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. Some of this nitrogen is utilized by the growing plant but some can also be used by other plants growing nearby[200].

    Pre-soak the seed for 24 hours in warm water and then sow spring or autumn in a greenhouse[200]. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots when they are large enough to handle, and grow them on for their first winter in a greenhouse. Plant out in late spring or early summer when in active growth. Plants are rather slow to grow from seed[238]. Division of the root in spring or autumn. Each division must have at least one growth bud. Autumn divisions can either be replanted immediately or stored in clamps until the spring and then be planted out[200]. It is best to pt up the smaller divisions and grow them on in a cold frame until they are established before planting them out in the spring or summer.

    A hardier but tougher cultivar than the more commonly grown ‘Poznan’, it succeeds outdoors in most parts of the country. The roots are less sweet than ‘Poznan’.
    The roots have a higher sugar content than ‘Pontefract[183]. This is the most commonly grown cultivar of liquorice[K], it is less hardy than ‘Pontefract’ and will require winter protection in the colder areas of the country.
    The sweet extract obtained from the roots is used as a flavouring in foods, drinks and medicines[183].

  • nightfrost

    2008-07-04 at 13:22

    oj 3-4 år aja får väll vänta o se då :D antaligen för att roten skall få upp lite storlek
    tack för infot iafall ska beställa mina fröer snart dom plus lite annat kul som jag inte bestämmt än, ska väll dra lite lagligt odlande okcså kan ju vara kul :D

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