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  • Fullmåne och frökläckning

    Posted by reaper on 2009-03-13 at 21:08

    Jag har hört att frö “kläcks” bättre om man sår dom vid fullmåne, stämmer detta?

    replied 15 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • reaper

    2009-03-13 at 22:03

    Men då kanske du får varulvs plantor kan va farligt…
    Jag tror inte det spelar nån roll… kör me pappers metoden funkar alltid..
    Fullmåne Lr inte…

  • jebeel

    2009-03-13 at 22:54

    Vem har sagt detta så du vart tvungen att starta en tråd ? Detta måste du ju ha hittat på. . :P

    @archos wrote:

    Jag har hört att frö “kläcks” bättre om man sår dom vid fullmåne, stämmer detta?

  • reaper

    2009-03-14 at 00:04

    de kan finnas logisk långsiktig sanning men inte så troligt

  • reaper

    2009-03-14 at 00:36


    The subject presented here is linked to the fact that most organic processes and the structures which result from them have a rhythmic character. In the plant world in temperate latitudes, it is immediately obvious that the germination, growth, maturation and perennial structure formation in trees are marked by an alternation between active and resting phases. This alternation is materialized in the morphology of the shoot or in the architecture of the tree, and on an anatomical level, in the succession and the internal structure of the growth rings.


    This rhythmical characteristic of plants has always had to be taken into account by man, a heterotrophic being, for his subsistence.

    On reading works which deal with popular sayings or quote classical authors concerning agricultural practice, or simply talking to gardeners, farmers or foresters with an empirical experience based on tradition, one is struck by two things.

    Firstly, in addition to the rhythm of the seasons, lunar rhythms are systematically mentioned as having an influence on the growth, structures, characteristics or properties of plants.


    Conclusion and Outlook

    These trials make clear, for the first time in trees or shrubs, the existence of a real phenomenon, often mentioned in traditions or issuing from empirical experience, consisting of a link between the lunar phases (synodic rhythm) and the behaviour at germination and during initial growth.

    Finns säkert massor att läsa om detta, och det är det minsta man bör göra innan man åtminstone försöker avfärda det som humbug…

    Underskatta inte Moder Natur och hennes krafter! 😉

  • reaper

    2009-03-14 at 11:05

    Det finns massor att läsa om detta som sagt. Om det är humbug eller inte kan man väl inte veta förrän man testat eller sett någon annan som gjort ett seriöst försök och dokumenterat det. Jag vet att jag läst litet kort om detta men inte intresserat mig så mycket. Det kanske innebär att jag själv är ganska skeptisk, för sådant här vore ju väldigt bra att ha koll på om det fungerar som det påstås. Jag tror inte att det är helt omöjligt men jag tror att skillnaden är marginell. Om någon har testat eller kan visa att det faktiskt utgör någon egentlig skillnad så är jag intresserad :P

    Här är en tråd om groddnig efter månens faser på icmag:
    Här är en tråd om odling efter månens faser på icmag:[/url]

  • reaper

    2009-03-14 at 11:20

    Moon Cycles

    Since ancient times man has observed the effect of the moon on living organisms, especially his crops. Planting and harvest dates based on moon cycles are still found in the Old Farmer�s Almanac. The moon takes 28 to 29 days to completely orbit the earth. This cycle is divided into four one-week phases. It starts as the new moon waxes (begins to enlarge) for a week until the quarter moon and another week until the moon is full. Then the waning (shrinking) cycle begins and the moon passes back for two weeks through another quarter to reach the beginning of the cycle with a new moon. Most cultivators agree that the best time for planting is on the waxing moon, and the best time to harvest is on the waning moon. Exact new moons, full moons, and quarter moons are avoided as these are times of interplanetary stress. Planting, germinating, grafting, and layering are most favored during phases 1 and 2. The best time is a few days before the full moon. Phases 3 and 4 are most beneficial for harvesting and pruning.

    Root growth seems accelerated at the time of the new moon, possibly as a response to increased gravitational pull from the alignment of sun and moon. It also seems that floral cluster formation is slowed by the full moon. Strong, full moonlight is on the borderline of being enough light to cease floral induction entirely. Although this never happens, if a plant is just about to begin floral growth, it may be delayed a week by a few nights of bright moonlight.

    Conversely, plants begin floral growth during the dark nights of the new moon. More research is needed to explain the mysterious effects of moon cycles on Cannabis

  • reaper

    2009-03-14 at 14:24

    Sjysst. Tack för bra svar och länkar – nu vet jag!

    Inter för att jag är spiritilist men:Moder Jord lever!

    (Jo, hon lever ->

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