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  • Den skadliga effekten av fattigt ljus

    Posted by haze on 2004-01-23 at 07:50

    Att byta ut vanliga glödlampor med sitt fattiga ljuspektra till fullspektrum lampor hemma kan vara något att fundera på för dom som ofta lider av huvudvärk m.m. Ljuset kan vara en orsak till olika besvär.

    The Harmful Effects of Poor lighting

    The headaches, eyestrain, and increased irritability many people are experiencing today may likely be caused by poor artificial light. This light comes most commonly from cool-white fluorescent lights. However, these are not the only problems poor lights may be causing. Scientific tests have proven that common cool-white fluorescents affect emotional, physical, and mental well-being. The narrow-light spectrum (unnatural light) and the flicker these older bulbs and ballasts produce can play havoc on eyes and produce negative physiological effects.
    The result — people tire more easily, experience difficulty concentrating, make more mistakes, and become more irritable.

    Today we manage the water we drink, the air we breathe and now, because of high tech breakthroughs in artificial lighting, we can manage the light that enters our bodies. Certain people that are sensitive to light may sense that something is wrong but can’t identify what is happening. Different qualities of light act as triggers to set off the glands in our endocrine system. This is where our stress and relax hormones are produced. ACTH and Cortisol are two stress hormone chemicals that have problems in poor light. These chemicals try to balance out the system but, with relentless day in and day out exposure to poor light, the disturbing symptoms described above appear.

    It’s no wonder why kids today under inadequate lighting become agitated and sometimes exhibit rather disturbing behavior. It’s the same with adults in stressful office situations.

    A German doctor, who dedicated over 30 years in research to the effects of light on man and animal, wrote a book with over 450 references from other doctors on this subject. From their research in this burgeoning field, it is now accepted that light has a great deal of influence on our bodies. Most doctors agree that much more testing is needed and many tests are now in progress. Many types of illness are being treated with light. These include S.A.D., PMS, common and winter depression. More research is needed to discover what happens to humans with high levels of cortisol. E.G.; Cushing’s disease or gland disorders.

    The rods and cones in our eyes are triggered by healthy light. It tells our pupils to dilate, which makes it easier to focus. Bright light alone will not
    do this correctly, but the controlled color temperature found in our full spectrum bulbs will.

    Office and factory workers, buyers, facility managers, retailers, education, medical field, architects, editors, engineers, stock brokers, graphic artists, or anyone who has an eye-intensive job or stress inducing environment and spends his or her day under standard fluorescent lighting, can benefit from full spectrum lighting. Many have already discovered its positive effects.

    replied 20 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Radix

    2004-01-31 at 22:39

    @Haze wrote:

    physical, and mental well-being. The narrow-light spectrum (unnatural light) and the flicker these older bulbs and ballasts produce can play havoc on eyes and produce negative physiological effects.

    Moderna lysror(sarmaturer) har inte dessa egenskaper som beskrivs, de arbetar med en mkt hogra frekvens och har en battre fargatergivning.

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