• drugsarewrong

    2010-06-03 at 14:55

    *Edit, här finns en komprimerad lista på vad cannabis kort och gott fastställt gör. En kille som hade orken att skriva ihop en sammanfattning på några hemsidors information. Till stor del från wikipedia under artikeln “cannabis long term effects”.

    Det visar kortfattat precis det vi redan vet. Att röka cannabis är nyttigt på många vis, men att röka för mycket resulterar i några riskområden. Fördelarna väger helt klart upp för nackdelarna, eftersom att det krävs att man missbrukar cannabis för att finnas i riskzon för de negativa och permanenta effekterna. En brukare stöter knappast på några av de negativa sideffekterna, om man inte har en underliggande svaghet för att utveckla en psykos. Men röker du 5 eller fler jollar om dagen i 5-10 år så kan det vara värt att trappa ner. :P

    * 5 or more joints a week (heavy use) damage the brain and memory PERMANENTLY
    * keep smoking to the weekend and you will be allright


    * pregnancy + weed = don’t do it!
    * impaired fetal growth etc.
    * THC passes into the breast milk
    * cognitive deficits, concentration disorders, hyperactivity, and impaired social interactions than non-exposed children
    * etc.


    * Overall, the addiction potential for cannabis is significantly less than that for tobacco, alcohol, cocaine or heroin, but slightly higher than that for psilocybin, mescaline, LSD.


    * Chronic cannabis users showed decreases in mood and appetite and increases in irritability, anxiety, physical tension and physical symptoms and their scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression scale increased.
    * the withdrawal syndrome associated with cannabis use is similar to that for tobacco but of lesser magnitude than withdrawal from other drugs like opiates or alcohol.


    * PREREAD NOTICE: Correlation versus causation!

    It’s not 100% clear if sick fucks (läs: psykossjuka) smoke weed or weed smokers turn into sick fucks

    * correlated with the development of anxiety, psychosis, and depression.
    * …suggests that the psychosis blamed on cannabis use is in fact the result of a genetic predisposition towards schizophrenia.
    * the study found that the odds of developing schizophrenia later in life were “1.5 times higher for those who had used cannabis 1- 10 times and 2.3 times more likely for those who had used cannabis 10 times or more”.
    * cannabis smokers commit suicide 2,5x more likely (=depression)
    * cannabis might even help against schizophrenia as a recent study showed

    Respiratory disease

    * Higher cancer risk is proven by some studies some show no effect on cancer rates
    * Nobody knows what to believe: I think it’s like tobacco and that’s why I use active carbon filters in my joints


    * High levels of cannabis use are related to poorer educational outcomes, lower income, greater welfare dependence and unemployment and lower relationship and life satisfaction.


    * current marijuana use had a negative effect on global IQ score only in subjects who smoked 5 or more joints per week
    * It found current light users and former users showed average IQ gains of 5.8 and 3.5 respectively, compared to an IQ gain of 2.6 for those who had never used cannabis.[79] The study did however show an average IQ decrease of 4.1 for heavy users
    * fuck yeah, read that to your parents!


    * For heavy users participating in the study, [brain] volume was an average of 12 percent lower in the hippocampus and 7.1 percent lower in the amygdala.
    * While modest use may not lead to significant neurotoxicity, these results corroborate similar findings within the animal literature and indicate that heavy daily cannabis use over protracted periods exerts harmful effects on brain tissue and mental health”.
    * The strongest evidence regarding cannabis and memory focuses on its short-term negative effects on short-term and working memory.[87] Evidence also suggests that long-term effects exist, but these appear to be reversible except possibly in very heavy users.