Ett svenskt cannabisforum Forums Coffeeshopen Presentationer Phreakish – 3e gången tillbaka.. Reply To: Phreakish – 3e gången tillbaka..

  • phreakish

    2011-04-19 at 10:34

    Hör gärna av er om ni vill att jag kör igång träffarna igen.

    Här kommer fortsättningen.

    I looked around to see where these giants where at and as they crossed beyond the corners of my eye I stuffed my pockets full with this bar. However as I tried walking away with it I was grabbed on the shoulder and taken away by a female beast. She had me empty my pockets and she called upon something I had only seen a couple times before. It was them, the beasts enforcers. Trained in torture and ruthlessness and according to legend lived by their own laws and goverment. I was fortuned to be released to my mother, one of us. I can only imagine what would have happened in this dark and secluded edge of the world where these enforcers crawled all over in a manor of repulsiveness. It was around this time I first senced the overwhelming powers within to resist these dark ones. I knew many battles was to come between us. [(Looking back Im also quite amazed of how I felt before them. Nowdays I look upon the police as people often with unmedicated anger, power or other mental issues.

    Theres quite many that is very helpful tho I have met many that isnt really in control of themselves, help us all.)

    As I started what they called 7th grade I was often told I was an adult though even more so presented as a child as I was supressed from drawing own conclusions. The giants or adults agenda soon came clear before me. I was to be trained to become one of them, however the strong Phreakonian spirit lived within me and raised me above any attemt of control. I was seperated from my leagues of Phreakonians in an attempt to hold me down but my most loyal generals feared not to contact me. Our nation would not ever subcome to the miesly ways of dissapereance. We would not let down on our goals. We would free our people no matter what the giants tried to through at us.

    It was at this time I found a book far far inside the secret chambers of what was called the library. A book of forgotten knowledge. These beasts of unnatural size had never mentioned these herbs and the magical properties derived from them.

    ….to be continued