• Sanningen om Narconon

    Posted by ashtray on 2002-08-08 at 16:21

    En interjuv som handlar om Narconon med bla. John Woods (Chef för Narconon i UK).

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    Lyssna på sättet han diskuterar på, så argumenterar en scientolog. Svarar undvikande på obekväma frågor, attackerar personer istället för att försvara sin position, tycker att psykologerna är ondskans hantlangare etc. etc. 👿

    Och så en berättelse av en kille som har vart på ett av Narconons behandlingshem i USA, skrämmande:

    Narconon, a Personal Story

    Ok guys, what the hell I decided to post my account on my experiences in the Narconon in Newkirk, Oklahoma (Actually about 4 miles north of town on an Indian reservation). Well I needed to get clean from cocaine and prescription drugs, so I went to my parents and asked if they could check into some different drug rehab’s, I asked for about 6 weeks off to attend a rehab clinic and get clean. Well after looking over several different drug rehab’s in my area, we decided on me going to the Narconon in Chilocalo (sp), at the time I had no idea that they were connect to the Co$, as I didn’t think there was a chance in hell that a drug rehab would be a recruiting ground for a cult.

    My experiences with LRH and Scientology were very limited, I had read Dianetics when I was in High-School and found it impossible to follow, and thought it definitely had to be written in a drug induced stupor. So my parents drive me to the indian reservation where the drug rehab is located and we pull up and go into the ED’s office. Now the first thing I notice were all these books and pictures hanging up of LRH, but I really didn’t think anything of it, so he showed me around took me down to the sauna and the course room and explained that I was not a patient I was a “student”, I thought ok what the hell ever, so I get taken down to the “Withdrawl House” which is a place where you are supposed to be watched for 24 hours to make sure you are not going to have any problems.

    We’ll I got down there and was forced, and I mean forced to drink a full coffee cup full of Cal-Mag, and a sack full of vitamins every 6 hours, needless to say, they didnt help my situation at all. The first night I got there and I was still pretty loaded, I started talking to the guy that was working in the withdrawl house, I took out my Narcotics Anonamous book and some other books I had brought with me, he told me to put the NA book away and never read it, then he started telling me about scientology and how he was working there to progress in this religion, he sat there and was trying to explain how it worked, but I really didnt want to hear it, so I went to sleep.

    Well I woke up the next day and was forced to eat more vitamins and drink more Cal-Mag, then the guy that was there took me to the course room to explain some stuff to me. By this time I was really feeling like shit, and having bad withdrawl’s from the cocaine and the prescription painkillers and tranquilizers, well then this buy brought out “book 1” called Training Routines and started going over these TR’s with me asking me to stare at him for 10 or 15 minutes without twitching and blinking, well her I am, about ready to beat the shit outta this guy I mean I am crashing hard on these drugs and I am forced to answer stupid ass questions like, “Do birds fly?” over and over again, well I played along with his game and got smart to the fact that everyone there was a scientologist, so I decided I would get the hell out of that place and get some REAL MEDICAL TREATMENT.

    Well, I had to route into the place where I room was, so I couldnt even make a phone call until I had routed into Home 5 as the liked to call it. So I routed through a whole bunch of people which I found to be completley crazy, I even met with the ethics guy and he asked me tons of questions like “Are you here investigating Narconon as a journalist?” I mean I couldnt understand what the hell this stuff had to do with getting me help. So finally I got moved over to my room, and after dinner I made a phone call to my parents telling them this place was directly associated with Scientology, well they were not home, so I called my roomates to come pick me up since I had not brought my car.

    After I got ahold of them, they started the drive to pick me up and I went and told my C/S that I did not agree with LRH, and scientology and I was going to leave and get “Real Medical Help”, well she said she was sorry that they could not do anything for me, and actually thanked me for not leaving in the middle of the night. Then she took me to the ED’s office and I told some guy the same story, he told me he wanted me to call my parents before I left, so I called them and they were totally against me leaving, the didn’t even care that they were affiliated with Scientology and LRH (which everyone there denied quite heavily I might add, they said we just use LRH’s “tech” we are not affiliated with Scientology. So I thought hell if these people sold my parents on this crap, I’m in real trouble, so I waited outside for my friends. Finally they showed up, and the people in the E/D’s office treatened to call the police because they were trespassing on Fedreal Proctected Indian land or something like that, so the forced them to leave and I was taken back to the withdrawl house. So I spent the night in the withdrawl house and woke up and did more TR’s with the guy that was working in the house, then I routed back out into my room again.

    Then I called my friends again :) and told them I was walking to the nearest town, but I was getting the hell out of this cult compound. So I waited till it was dark, packed some stuff into my backpack, leaving some heavier stuff that I could come pick up later and hit the road, but the ethics guy stopped me before I got to the gate and brought me to the E/D’s office again, and he said my parents were coming down to pick me up, since I did not believe this load of crap, I told him if my parents did not take me home he had to take me to the nearest town, he agreed.

    So I waited for some time till my parents showed up and they went off to talk to the ED and the C/S, and I was left waiting outside, they once again told me that they were not going to take me home, and the only reason they came was to convince me to stay, so I asked the ED if he was going to live up to his promise and take me to the nearest town, and he said “Nope”. So I hit the road jack singing “keep on walkin’ in the free world” as I was walking down the highway at 2:00AM, well this sheriff passes me and stops me and says someone from Narconon called them and said I was suicidal and wanted them to bring me back to the Narconon compound, well since it was my decision to go to Narconon I thought that it was my decision to leave, well this cop agrees with me but he says he still had to take me to the station and run a test to make sure I wasn’t suicidal, I didn’t care at this point as long as they weren’t gonna make me go back.

    Needless to say I passed their “suicidal test” in 5 minutes, but it was 4 o’clock in the morning and no one was up and I still had a good 60 miles to my house on foot. But the cop was nice enough to drive me all the way to my house and give me a lecture on how Narconon was a cult and everyone that is in there always comes out with a crazy attitude and how he doesn’t like anyone in there anyways, he told me how they didn’t pay their bills and how they indian tribe they leased the land from were about to kick them off the property because they had not paid their lease in 4 months.

    So I got home alright, but went on a month long coke binge, and its not the end of the stroy, my parents talked me into going back because they said they already paid for the treatment, so I went back for a month and a half.

    Personal story: Narconon, part 2
    Ok here is part 2 of my story in Narconon, sorry for my spelling mistakes I am typing real fast because Narconon really pisses me off, thanks for reading.

    Ok, so I went back to Narconon and thought if I can just play their game and get my parents off my back about getting clean. So I promised them I would do the Sauna, the only part of the program that they paid for. But first I had to do the TR’s 0-9, which were eye’s closed for an hour, eye’s open for a hour, yell stand up and sit down to a ashtray, and answer repeditively “Do Birds Fly?”, so after a few days I passed the TR’s and moved on to the sauna.

    The sauna program consists of sitting in a dangerously hot sauna for 5 hours a day taking very high doses of Niacin which caused my skin to turn a crazy red color, I stayed in the sauna for 21 days straight, and left the place the day after I got out it, of course there were 6 other books that I was supposed to complete, but I flat ass refused, and complained to everyone about how scientology was not a religion, I think they were actually glad to get me out of there.

    But of course it cost 14 thousand US dollars just to stay for a month, please take note that they did not have any medical doctors in the complex and they hated all doctors and psychologists, and told me over and over how they ruin peoples lives. Sorry I don’t have anymore to write, I am sick of talking about these bastards, and I am sure once I post this you will see lots of spam messages promoting Narconon members, please I am begging you do not go there, it is nothing more than a cult recruiting ground. If any one has any questions about Narconon feel free to e-mail me, I would be glad to save someone from going to this money sucking cult organization.

    After I got out of Narconon I satisfied my parents and went back to work, I still used drugs occasionally, but I finally sought proper medical attention and have been clean for awhile now. Thanks everyone for reading this babble, and sorry for the spelling mistakes!! Narconon and the “Church” of Scientology are nothing more than a greedy money cult who practices brainwashing.

    Källa: FactNet

    replied 21 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • reaper

    2002-11-03 at 12:14

    Hu då. :?

    JHag frågade ut Narconon ordentligt den gång de hade ett bås på mässan Sverige Mot Narkotika här i Malmö förra året, och de sa precis samma saker som killen nämner – att de inte är kopplade till Scientologin eller L Ron Hubbard förutom vad gäller det “material” de fått från honom angående just sauna-Bvitaminsupplement etc… men värt att nämna kan ju vara att deras (tjocka) mapp med reklam hade en rejält stor bild med den käre L Ron på framsidan OCH baksidan.
    Ändå var det just de av de olika på mässan representerade behandlingsorganisationerna som gav det mest sympatiska intrycket.

    Skrämmande. 😡

  • ashtray

    2002-11-03 at 17:20

    @radix wrote:

    Hu då. :?

    JHag frågade ut Narconon ordentligt den gång de hade ett bås på mässan Sverige Mot Narkotika här i Malmö förra året, och de sa precis samma saker som killen nämner – att de inte är kopplade till Scientologin eller L Ron Hubbard förutom vad gäller det “material” de fått från honom angående just sauna-Bvitaminsupplement etc… men värt att nämna kan ju vara att deras (tjocka) mapp med reklam hade en rejält stor bild med den käre L Ron på framsidan OCH baksidan.
    Ändå var det just de av de olika på mässan representerade behandlingsorganisationerna som gav det mest sympatiska intrycket.

    Skrämmande. 😡

    Nästa gång så frågar du hur många leg psykologer dom har jobbandes för dom för att hjälpa människorna på deras instutiotioner. Baserat på reaktionen så märker du om det är en scientolog du pratar med. :D

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