Ett svenskt cannabisforum Forums Coffeeshopen Cannabisodling En guide/tips på groddning av frön…

  • En guide/tips på groddning av frön…

    Posted by duidui48 on 2011-05-26 at 09:46

    Thank you very much all for the help. I have very strong interest in finding a way to harvest seeds and very quickly,(a week or 2 weeks?) be able to plant them and have them reliably sprout. I’ve tried additives as I mentioned. I also tried putting seeds that had been dry for a couple of weeks in a mason jar with desiccant. I then put in the frig for a week. I’m testing them now. So far I have no conclusions on this process. Next I’m going to try to put them in boiling water for one minute. Can’t remember exactly where I got that from but here’s a page that covers it. The same page also mentions H2O2, which I’m fond of, and that it weakens the seed coat.…edHandling.pdf
    The mother of all germing sites. Maybe this has already been posted. Please excuse if so, is:
    I’ve skimmed it. Heavy reading to go through all of it. What I need to understand is:
    1. Is it just because it has a strong waxy coat that seeds do not like immediate germination? If so the scoring would help. A contra-trend opposing this view is I’ve tried pre-cracking and have had no better germination than without pre-cracking. This is with small numbers so it is not conclusive. However I’ve done this more than one time with more than one strain and haven’t seen any great increase in germination from pre-cracking. A good question is why not? I use my teeth for fine control. This technique is used a lot in auto flowers which seem to have trouble germing. They say this is because of a thick shell on autoflowers. Is it? I’m not so sure.
    2. Is there a growth-metamorphosis-change-or whatever going on inside the seed that needs to be completed before it will reliably sprout? If so why do some sprout? If so is there a way to speed up the process? What is the process?
    Up til now I’ve just been looking at sprouting technique. I’m afraid I’m going to have to understand more about the underlying processes that are going on to make progress. Sigh. Lots of reading. If I find something that seems to work or what I try doesn’t seem to work I’ll post it here.

    I’ve just found a good resource. Here’s a quote from the referring page:

    Your best source of information on the germination of seeds is ‘Seed Germination, Theory and Practice’ by Norm Deno. It lists 4000 species and gives pretreatments if any, and detailed instructions on the use of GA-3. Two supplements listing additional species have been published. This book will absolutely increase your success with seeds”

    Seed germination, theory and practice
    First supplement to the second edition of Seed germination theory and practice.
    Second supplement to Seed germination theory and practice.

    I’ve looked at the above paper and it seems to be a gold mine on germination. Haven’t finished all of it. Here’s some random stuff I’ve done.

    I put 5 newly harvested, maybe two weeks, seeds each in 4 cups. All washed with 3% H2O2
    1. Tap water
    2. GA3 (supergrow 20% @ 50PPM)
    The next two washed in Sulfuric acid for 8 minutes then put in:
    3.Tap water
    4. GA3 (supergrow 20% @ 50PPM)
    Results 10 Days later
    1.All sprouted
    2. 1
    3. most(that’s what my notes say I didn’t count)
    They also had mold on them
    4. 1

    Other test I’ve run I usually get much better germing by swishing around in 3% H2O2 then adding tap water.

    As I said before I’ve done test where I cracked with my teeth and did no better than not cracking. I have a new test started today after reading some of the paper above. Four cups of two different strains of seeds. I put all into 3% H2O2.
    1.Strain#1 no crack
    2.Strain#1 crack
    3.Strain#2 no crack
    4.Strain#2 crack
    I forgot to put one just in water do that tomorrow. Here’s what I’m trying to find out. It seems there is two mechanisms that need to be overcome. Water has to soak through to the seed to make it extend it’s Radicle. Then it must break the seed shell and get out of the endosperm (I think this is correct). It seems that GA3 breaks down the endosperm. I’m wondering if H2O2 will do the same. Cracking the seed at 50PPM GA3 I’ve not had much luck or any consistency.
    Also according to the paper all seeds have some kind of delay mechanism to keep it from sprouting over winter. My assumption is that if you can find how to short circuit that mechanism or trigger it it will also help with all cannabis seed germination. I wish I knew exactly what that mechanism for cannabis was. Tomorrow I will add water to dilute the H2O2 and see what happens.

    In the paper he says the best way to sprout is in heavy scott paper towels folded several times. Then he puts them in plastic sandwich baggies. He notes that the zip locks are not best because they are too thick and do not allow proper gas exchange. He says use thin ones.

    Another observation. I just sprouted some seeds that were not very old. The ones I put in the frig with desiccant. The radicle came out of the seed but it would not open the shell. I pulled the shell open. It was very difficult. I may have damaged them. Today I took a peek at them and it seemed that others of the same vintage have come up and out of the shell. Hmmm. Maybe I jumped the gun. I don’t see how one day could make that much difference. I’ll check carefully tomorrow and see if that is correct.

    Credits to orginal poster oscar the rotund

    replied 12 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • kimpan

    2011-05-26 at 10:18

    Förstår inte..det tar 1-2 dygn med blött papper. Duger inte det?

  • doctordoom

    2011-05-26 at 10:31

    Massvis med information :D

    Förstår mig inte riktigt på hela hysteri om frön och hur man gror dom. Jag har kört ner totalt ~10 frön i krukor och alla har tittat upp, efter olika lång tid.

    Är det ett stort problem eller bara amatörer (som mig) som gör massa oljud?

  • xylitol74x

    2011-05-26 at 16:13

    Det bästa helt utan tvekan är att stoppa ner fröna i jord. Dom är liksom byggda för det!

  • Lesseboo

    2011-05-26 at 19:36

    Amerikanarna tycks ha bra över med fritid :)

  • doktor_knark

    2011-05-26 at 20:07

    Det är användbart för färskskördade frön, genom hormonbehandling kan man få dem att gro på en gång. Annars bör man förvara dem torrt och svalt en tid innan de kan gro. (Kan inte svära på att detta ens gäller cannabis, det är dock vanligt i andra arter.) Skulle detta förekomma så kan det vara så att folk som har trott sig blåsta på frököp bara fått nyskördade frön.

  • dr-tryptamin

    2011-05-26 at 20:12

    tanken var god ändå .. men jag är nog mer på det att frö ska ner i jord direkt inte så big deal om det tar en dag mer

  • casthiel

    2011-05-30 at 20:33

    Jag lade mina frön i ljummet vatten i ungefär 24h sedan planterade jag dem i jord, 5/5 grodde :P

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