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  • Legalisering och reglering : rekommenderad läsning

    Posted by spinoza on 2010-06-13 at 14:02

    Fler än jag har säkert grubblat över hur legalisering och reglering egentligen borde gå till. Igår fann jag plötsligt det här materialet via Alternet ( Det beskriver detaljerat och genomtänkt hur legalisering/reglering skulle kunna gå till. Idéerna balanserar någonstans (nåja) mellan anarko-liberalernas våta knarkdrömmar och Beatrice Asks asketiska polisstat.

    After the War on Drugs: Blueprint for Regulation

    Av speciellt intresse för oss är naturligtvis partierna om Cannabis. Se exempelvis sidorna 110 – 117 i Blueprint.


    Global drug policy is rooted in a laudable and justifiable urge to address the strong, and very definite, harms that certain non-medical psychoactive drugs can create. This urge has driven a prohibitionist global agenda based on viewing drugs as a ‘threat’, an agenda that gives clear and direct moral authority to those who support it, while casting those who are against it as ethically and politically irresponsible. However, both experience and research suggest that the most effective way of minimising drug harms is through regulation, based upon normative, legal frameworks, rather than prohibition. With this report, we are seeking to engage with such arguments, and to replace moral absolutism with an ethics of effectiveness. In particular, we are looking to show in very practical terms how drug legalisation could be managed, and how a post-legalisation world might look.

    Hur ska det gå till?

    In fact, all our proposals are based on current, proven substance licensing and management regimes. We have used these to develop a series of models for drug provision, and looked at the practical details of regulation. We have also mapped out a path to regulation, and tried to define how different kinds of legal markets for different types of currently illicit drugs might work in practice.

    Det råder ingen tvekan om att materialet är kontroversiellt:

    Entire cases of the Blueprint were sent to the DPA’s International Drug Policy Reform Conference in New Mexico with the intention of reaching reformers from around the nation. Perhaps emblematic of the reticence of American policymakers to embrace regulation, the cases were held up at customs and did not get cleared until after the conference.

    En kvick koll på Swecan visar inget om det här trots att det funnits tillgängligt i kanske 6 månader. Om du känner dig redo att utbilda dig själv, pröva dina argument, och helt enkelt ta den här frågan på allvar så har du nu din chans. Har Magnus Linton läst det här undrar jag?

    replied 13 years, 10 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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