Ett svenskt cannabisforum Forums Swecan In English Any non-swedes around?

  • Any non-swedes around?

    Posted by reaper on 2004-02-16 at 13:43

    Is there any?
    Except for the finns on this forum that talks swedish.

    replied 19 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 57 Replies
  • 57 Replies
  • reaper

    2004-02-22 at 13:29

    Hi folks!

    I’m from Berlin, but the real distance to you is only some cm s, the length of a “link”. I support english-sections in “our” communities and I will try to make “german” forum open for all people.
    What do you think about a european “Hanfparade”? (In Brüssel, Amsterdam or ???)

    Are here in this forum turkish speeking people? Biraz türkce konusabiliriz! Kreuzberg’dan selamlar!


  • powerpuffgirl

    2004-02-22 at 13:45

    Herzlich willkommen!

    Ich besuche Berlin jeden Sommer!

    I have some friends in Berlin who lived in Kreuzberg, but now they live in Prenzelberg.

    Unfortunatly I don’t speak turkish. I only speak German, Swedish and English. I know a few sentences in French and Finnish too – but jus a few!

    But once again: Welcome, and I hope you will enjoy it here.

  • reaper

    2004-02-24 at 10:09

    hi powerpuffgirl!

    I must switch on a second pc with my english program. Some months ago I was in a chinese forum and there I’ve learnt some netizen-english. Misunderstandings are possible.

    Here in kreuzberg the sun just shines hardly. I can put some flowers outside… summer is coming. Perhaps we will see us in Berlin, with “k” and others.

    I have one question: how do the state officials, police(wo)men work in Sweden? In Germany we have some dirty laws, but some officials are much more dirty than the law, they are criminals, not all, but some of them are enough.

    some regards

  • reaper

    2004-02-24 at 17:55

    hi all!

    i`m using meules account cause i don`t want to registrate and we know us from other forum (what`s the plural of forum? :? )

    seems that we are in sweden, interesting, i heard that sweden has many pretty girls 😉 , but it`s fucking cold there, brrrr, germany also is, and i don`t like that. hope your all well friends(sorry that weird post 😆 )

    how is the law in sweden about the use of cannabis, is it strict?

    so , enough strange words now, i must leave now, but i come around again 😈

    black sabbath rules!!!!!!

    freidenker (whats that in english, freethinking?) 😳


    i`m from Feiburg, does anyone know that??

  • powerpuffgirl

    2004-02-24 at 20:11


    My English is worse than my German, and that depends on that I visit Germany once a year, and have a few friends there, so I use the language more than English. 8)

    The laws here in Sweden are hard. Very hard. In Germany, well it’s forbidden to smoke cannabis, but in Sweden is it forbidden to have THC in the blood! :crazyeyes:

    And everybody think that you are going psychotic if you smoke once. :wacko:

    One Forum – two Forums!

    In German : Das Forum – Zwei Foren – oder?

    Auf wiederhören!
    Das Powerpuffmädchen

  • hr-sanders

    2004-02-24 at 20:27

    Hi meule (to the both of you)!

    The plural of forum is forum or fora, maby also forums (these forums).
    The law is very strict on the use of cannabis. You are not even allowed to have metabolites in your body.
    That is about how much I know, maby somebody else can get you a better description of the swedish judicial system and praxices of law enforcement.

    Why don’t you make a profile of your own meule2?

    Hope you will enyoy your stay here at swecan!

    / Hr Sanders.

  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 00:55

    Hi dear friends!

    Meule2+Meule1 are netizen-friends, both netwalker, and networker. In difficult or dangerious situations we use the same userword.
    May be that it is better if all “kiffer communities” have a “open” part, where people can write without registration. I think, there is a real reason why people don’t like registration: They don’t want to be immediately ful-member of a group, of a community.

    In our community “KifferTalk” we are exploring other communities, first of all the german-forums. We have found now 23 “pieces” (and some undiscovered, but I would found them all -with google!).
    The german forums haven’t an english part. But these forum are new: most of them are borne 2002, 2003, and now 2004. It is very nice to see this movement.

    The step into another “nation” is only a little mouseclick on a link but for the people thats very new, a new thinking and seeing. That would grow slowly, but it grows.

    Laws in Sweden are the horror. In Berlin (Kreuzberg) there are no problems, only if you visit the police-office with a joint in your mouth. Somedays some officials use the undefined situation to make much trouble.
    One growshopkeeper in my near says, that he has around thousend customers. I think it is impossible to “clean” Kreuzberg and other parts of the city. The state must send the army and that is impossible.

    THC in blood vorbidden, powerpuffgirl, is very notable, because that is against eu-law, humanrights, I think. To have arsen in blood is alowed?
    And in practise? What says the “law” if you don’t know from where the THC comes? In dubio pro reo! (you know? Hr Sanders knows it. In German: im zweifel für den Angeklagten) How is it possible to prove that people consume THC with intention? The only “prove” may be: people would confess it.

    good evening

  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 05:59

    hi all, this is freidenker/meule2

    forbidden to have thc in blood? 😯 thats a strange law i think!

    well, ì think a registration always is “hard work” 😉 , and klaus is the more activ part, it seems that he never sleeps :D

    but i must go to work now, i`m late 😥

    see you

  • weasel

    2004-02-25 at 09:12

    meule wrote

    i heard that sweden has many pretty girls

    u damn right about that! 😉 8)

  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 17:58

    hi sirsmokalot

    hehe, yes, do you think it`s worth a vacancy there? :D

    haven`t you got a huge metal-scene in sweden? maybe i mix that with norway, or maybe both? (but you also had roxette, LOL, sorry)

    ahem, about what you said about german law, (i think powerpuffgirl), it`s not that correct, cause its not forbidden to SMOKE pot, only the posess + the buy, and if you don`t need a drivers license you can (only theoretical)

    smoke without consequences, but as usual in real life it`s not that easy, (except the “luckies” in berlin 😉 , salü klaus)

    hi klaus, ich hab uns mal ein avatar spendiert, sah so trostlos aus…


  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 18:01
    meule wrote:
    haven`t you got a huge metal-scene in sweden? maybe i mix that with norway, or maybe both? (but you also had roxette, LOL, sorry)


    Yes of course we got a huge scene for metal here in sweden, In fact we got the largest. 8)

    Then, how do i know that? 🙄
    Coz i´m playing in a wellknown swedish blackmetal band and touring alot, Checking out sweden and banging some heads 😈

    Welcome to SweCan and enjoy your visit :D

  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 19:31

    hi bongfather

    so, you`re playing in a wellknown metal-band, called……?

    well actually BM is not my favourite style, cause i`m not that aggressive, but i respect the bands and the scene (as long as they`re not of the fascist-sort 👿 , ) and a little death is fine, like Six Feet Under or Obituary! 😈 but i hear much different music (but all “handmade”),
    from the 70`s (led zep, but also simon and garfunkel or bob dylan) an so on…..

    hehe, im coming back….


    meule2/Freidenker :kimblah:

  • reaper

    2004-02-25 at 19:35
    Powerpuffgirl wrote:
    Das Powerpuffmädchen


    übersetz das besser nicht, weil das wort “puffmädchen” für sich in deutschland komische reaktionen hervorrufen könnte…… 😳


    ps. ich hoffe du kennst die bedeutung, und wenn sei mir nicht bös 😉

  • powerpuffgirl

    2004-02-25 at 20:27
    meule wrote:
    Powerpuffgirl wrote:
    Das Powerpuffmädchen


    übersetz das besser nicht, weil das wort “puffmädchen” für sich in deutschland komische reaktionen hervorrufen könnte…… 😳


    ps. ich hoffe du kennst die bedeutung, und wenn sei mir nicht bös 😉

    😳 😳 😳 😳 Hatte es nicht uberlegt! Das Wort “Puff” kenne ich… leider! Aber Gott sei Dank, ich bin in einem Schwedischen Forum jetzt… 😉

    Nett das Ihr hier seid, KifferTalker! :D 😉

  • reaper

    2004-02-26 at 17:20

    hi all

    all quiet in sweden :D

    hi powerpuffgirl, don`t matter, i think there are not many germans around 😆 , then we have a little secret 8) 😳 hehe

    this week won`t find an end – :?

    got thick snow in sweden? in southwest germany it`s almost spring 😆

    so , see you

    greets freidenker

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