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  • reaper

    2004-01-29 at 10:26

    As said above: Welcome to the sinking ship of Sweden ,beautiful country with suspicious people.

    The main reason for which many are so hard to cannabis is that they have no reason to think any other way. The police for example makes no difference to heavy and light drugs and of course everybody knows what heroin does to you ,soooo if every drugs are as bad as heroin ,then why should they be legalized? Besides that ,how many people have seen a man/woman smoke a joint/pot? Not so many as there is not to much smokers in sweden ,how should they then know how the cannabis affects toy? Sure ,many people have probably met and talked to stoned people but not being avare of it.

    My 5 kronor
    (my english is not too godd as i have a terrible headache)