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  • mellow

    2004-08-03 at 12:09

    Postat det har tidigare men en shjysst sida for folk som forsoker dra ner pa sitt rokande.

    Basically, this website has been set up in the hope that it can become a resource for anyone and everyone who thinks they may have a problem with smoking dope. I don’t mean a problem getting hold of it, or an inability to roll a decent joint, I mean a problem with not being able to stop.

    Many people will tell you cannabis is a safe, non-addictive drug with many positive associations. They may be right.

    But I know through my own experience, and that of other people, that cannabis can cause problems. It’s to those people that this site is dedicated.

    I should point out that I’m not a fundamentalist nutter who objects to cannabis or any other drugs on moral grounds. I absolutely don’t believe that anyone should be made to stop smoking dope, and I’m neither a doctor nor medical expert of any kind.