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  • Anonymous

    2011-08-06 at 10:31

    How to use the Alivi8

    Unscrew and load the small internal bowl. Do not overpack as this will
    impair efficiency and flavour. Screw the bowl back in to the body.

    Use a 2.5cm (1 inch) flame at the vape end whilst inhaling from the
    mouthpiece. For best results it is recommended that an electronic ignition
    lighter is used.

    The flame can be applied in pulses occasionally touching the filter.
    Control the temperature with the amount of flame applied and the speed
    of inhalation.

    Moving the flame round in a circular motion helps to get more uniform
    heating. Inhale for about 8-10 seconds. Focus your attention on the
    flavours and the heat that you inhale. You will be able to tell from the taste
    and the heat if you are ‘overcooking’

    Adjust the amount of flame applied and the speed of inhalation accordingl
    to obtain optimum results.

    If you inhale smoke then the temperature is too high. When the correct
    temperature is achieved you will exhale a slightly visible blue vapour.
    Stirring the bowl between inhalations with the tool provided will help to
    achieve a more uniform vaporization.
