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  • reaper

    2007-01-16 at 12:25

    Det var någon tidigare i veckan som postade detta:

    With feminised seeds, there is a bigger chance on hermies, than with pure female seeds. Feminised seeds with more than 1 hermie out of a 100 are NOT relased in the market or with the Skunks Special with 1 out of 10 innocent hermies(after 1 week of vegging), which can be castrated. Latest tests on the Skunk Special with 4-5 weeks of vegging have shown no hermies at all !!!

    Pure female seeds stay female, no matter how they are abused, based on the tests we have done. We think there still is a very very small chance 1 out of 500 up to 10000 with female seeds on a hermie (nature is hard to control).

    Not al hermies are the same, basicaly there are 3 types:
    1 male flowers as the first apearing flower, ( which can be castrated) on a total female plant.
    2 male flowers apearing during flowering, who release pollen( non curable).
    3 male bananas at the end of flowering, who don’t release pollen.

    We see hermie-type 1 and 3 as acceptable, when the chance of getting them is very low (depending on grow circumstances) or when explained in the seed discription.
    Hermie type #2 is totally un-acceptable, seed-batches who show this kind of herminess (also with a low chance of getting them) are not sold

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